originally posted in:Shadows of the Fallen
Let me know I'm curious like a cat
No I don't. The whole point of a Beta is to squash bugs and stress test. Not to worry about progression. Some Cryptarch items before the maintenance was gathered by exploits or bugs in the system. So that'd be allowed to carry over? Being that it was a bug caught in beta it should stay in beta.
I would rather it not. it's a Beta, specifically designed for testing purposes that has the benefit of allowing us to get a feel for the game. Beta stats/progress rarely (if ever) pass over to the retail version of a game, people should not get attached for this reason. When Destiny is released it's going to have improvements over what we have seen in this Beta. There will probably be changes to the missions we have played and if our stats/progress are transferred a lot of people will either glance over the missions or just steam roll through due to their level advantage. I can understand people being attached to their sweet loot they got whilst playing/testing this awesome Beta but in the end it's still just a Beta; the sweet loot you gathered will be nothing compared to what you get in the full game. That's why I feel there is no need for stats/progress to transfer over.
The only thing I want to carry over at least is the Reputation, those stuff take forever to get up. Especially Vanguard. I hardly care for Crucible but the one in Iron Banner also has some neat stuff I would want from him but of course requires some effort getting it too. It wouldn't be too much to ask for that at least.
Carry over. If you don't want your stuff carried over then just delete the character.
You are not playing a live game, you have no right to have any thing carry over. If you dont want to "lose" anything then stop playing and wait for release. I seriously can not believe this is an actual complaint right now. I also can not believe how many of you do not know the difference between early access to a live game and a beta test.
I think players should be given a choice on release day if they want to carry over or start again.
Since it has gone to complete open beta I don't see any reason why not.
Wait you cant get exotic or purple weapons from the cryptech guy he only sells green and white...
I want vault gear to carry over, and cosmetic items. Because we would still need to level to get it on our characters
Yes! And now since everyone has beta access, no one can complain about being left behind!
They should keep pvp stats rank armor guns etc needs to be reset instead of wanting a helping hand at every thing then along will come the whiners this gun to powerful needs a nerf those people while stay away
I would like it to carry over, I don't see anything we've done so far as an unfair head start, even if we all started fresh at the same time there's always going to be a few that fly ahead of everyone else, anyone that doesn't want their progress to carry over can just delete their character, wanting everyone's to be just because that's what you might want is what's unfair.
I wouldn't mind having to start at level 1, but I wish some stuff carried over. PVP medals and stats, the grimoire. I wish I could keep that super-cool Iron Banner sash I got. But if I lost it, I wouldn't be upset. At the end of the day though really - I love the character I created, down to the appearance. So all deleting them will do is cause me to have to spent 10 minutes recreating them on Sept. 9th.
Well at this point Bungie is letting everyone play beta. I can honestly see them keeping certain stats over to the main game since everyone has a chance to play now.
Everyone who played the alpha probably played the beta nothing carried over and yet we played on. Something this fun you'll play over again. If your only playing to get ahead then you missed the point. We are punishing bungie servers so they will be ready for sept. And getting a free taste which is all you should expect. But I found this and I got that. Guess what so did I but it's not like you can't do it again
Yes, I have gotten attached to my Titan. She kicks ass and I'd hate to see her go again...
Obviously because i have everything. But don't really care.
Yes because I've found some items that I can't use yet and I would like the chance to try them
yes all this work for nothing uncivilized !!
Edited by A Wild Soffish: 7/24/2014 10:00:30 PMIt takes about 2 hours to reach level 8...so it's not like people'd be "left behind"...we've just been stuck optimizing gear, which won't matter because it'll be optimized for level 8 and people will go right through into the level 9/10 stuff. However, I don't particularly like my character's hair. So yeah, I want progress reset.
This should be a poll that says "Does your choice matter? No. No. No."
No I don't. Not yet at least. I'm going to be making a new psn account and want to transfer my beta sutff over so ya
I would like to be able to put things in my vault and have them appear in the full game. Character progress? No. Maybe just my appearance and my vault.
My gear yes
Edited by Robert11221: 7/24/2014 10:02:47 PMI originally didn't, then got Timur's Lash (lvl 20 handcannon) and did, but now I don't since I've seen a lot of people abusing the Cryptarch to get a load of legendary items and so I don't again. Although I wouldn't mind dead ghosts/medals/grimoire carried over.
I will have no problem doing this all over again. The game is way to much fun!!!!