I will share a twitch video of this later tonight, but I have come across these 3-4 Big Hive things and no matter what my 4- man fireteam throw at them, the hit counter just says immune all the time... any ideas on what they are or how to kill them? Or are they part of a later part of the game?
I have also found these Hive guards. First is in the mission where you have to go to two relays and de-coed it or something. You can find it by the second nod you go to and inside the room where the captain goes there are some stairs follow it and there they are but nothing is in there except for them. The second area is close and there are two ways to get there. Firstly the area i previously mentioned, when you leave the ship and go left there is a road that goes off the the left. It will firstly be guarded by two immune Drags and if you get past them it will then be guarded by 10 or so second tier immune Hive soldiers and one weird shotgun turret. If you get past them there is a big room guarded by 2 or 3 immune wizards 5 or so second tier foot soldiers and 8 or so tier one soldiers. Again nothing there but they are protecting what looks to be like coffins/graves. The second way to get here it by the mission in the Divided sector. It is part of the mission where you must map the entrance to a hive tunnel and its the same room previously mentioned. This is all that I have found so far besides hidden loot crates and dead Ghost.