So, very simple, this is a request for a map that clears/expands as you explore an area. (Fallout style)
I have gone exploring for hours and found myself coming back to repeated areas. I love exploring but definitely not blindly, roaming every corner of the galaxy is one of the features I am looking forward in Destiny, I don't think I will be able to enjoy it as much just doing it without knowing where I have been.
There could even be trophies/achievements and rewards linked to it, idk just throwing ideas out there.
Please answer and comment maybe we can get DeeJ to read this and pass the message along for our chance at a Map!
Unlike those of you who have a good sense of direction and don't think there needs to be a map, I am one of the many directionally challenged people who has played the entire beta and still gets confused as to where I am sometimes. And for the people who are saying they didn't need one in Halo, duh. Halo was linear. Destiny is more open world than Halo, especially on the explore mode. I don't necessarily think there needs to be a mini-map on the screen, but I would like the option to pull up a map and look at the overall region and where I am on the map. Even better, if they did something like Assasin's Creed Black Flag where you could sync your iPad and look at the map in real time on it, that would be cool too. But at least give us a basic map that shows where we are and where we need to go, for people like me who can't tell where they are...