I love it when the announcer says that. What else does he say? And what would you like for him to say?
If anyone can find it can they share all the things he says? Now that the beta is over I really miss Lord Shaxx :(
Best mp announcer I've heard in a long time. I enjoyed the accent too.
I really wish the announcer would say something for our kill streaks like in Halo. Who didnt love hearing '' TRIPLE KILL.'' Its very rewarding.
"Send them home crying." Their tears are delicious
I can't remember his exact words, but he would get very pissed if your team was losing by a lot and not capturing bases. I already miss the beta : /
[quote]I love it when the announcer says that. What else does he say? And what would you like for him to say? If anyone can find it can they share all the things he says? Now that the beta is over I really miss Lord Shaxx :([/quote] THIS ISNT WAR! THIS IS SPORT!
Speaking of, I really hope there is a high level raid boss that can kill us very easily. Kill 20/25 guardians with one move easy
"Your light is stronger than this guardian." (something like that) Losing. "I should of brought you along." (Something close.) Winning.
There is a really rare comment that he'll make somewhere along the lines of: "Aww this is over."
I dislike the announcers voice
I loved it when he said that when he other team was behind by only 300.
Ahh, I heard that line so much. Good times. I wasn't a fan of his voice in the Alpha, but Lord Shaxx has grown on me as an announcer.
he would say that sometimes when it would be 19000 against 18500
I also like when the announcer says, "Send them home crying." It doesn't have the unreal tournament announcer, but Bungie's Destiny announcer is pretty rad.