This game needs a [b]Weapon Wheel[/b] for quick equipping. When in a fire fight its sometimes hard to take cover, hit start, move to the weapon, equip something else.
My idea is to have a weapon wheel for your current selection 'primary / secondary / heavy'. First Get rid of the useless function that is 'Sit down'.
Now. When you have your weapon selected ie, primary, if you hold down the d-pad down it brings up a quick menu for any weapons you have in your inventory for that selected class 'primary / secondary / heavy'. And while holding down on the d-pad down, you move your right stick to select what you what to equip, fast and easy.
Also a game that talks about loot, there is hardly nothing. I know its beta/demo' but the ghost even talks about it on the first mission and my friends and me where like....where is the loot lol. So this game needs more loot chests.
Now. This game is about playing with friends and random people. So this game needs a item trading system. Playing with friends i was annoyed we couldn't find a trade menu in main game. I wanted to help my friend by giving them a better weapon. What this game needs is a basic trading menu so when you go up to your friend you can hit R3 etc, and it brings up a menu for item trade. Boom, Simple.
one other thing, you need to make the fights with those spider mechs and boss shorter. Its not hard. but it gets bloody boring because its just toooooo long.
Kind Regards.
I like the lack of a weapon wheel, to many fps people don't need to be tactical or plan there combat, they just casually pull out whatever gun is best for a situation, now players have some weakness to them that encourages planing.