Ok, so on Shores of Time I have found that Bravo Team is at a major disadvantage. When playing on Shores of Time the Alpha Team has easy access to 'C' and 'B' right of the start. Bravo Team can easily become spawn trapped inside the cave which is 'A' and the Initial Spawn. Trying to take 'C' from the 'A' Cave is really difficult if the other team is playing it smart and has snipers in the back. Trying to take 'B' from the 'A' Cave is also difficult as you have to run up the hill and jump up into 'B', all the while you can be shot at. Or alternatively you can attempt to sneak through the cave area in the centre, which never works as there are snipers in the back which kill you. The only time I manage to win this map as Bravo Team is by flipping the spawns and putting the other team in the same awful situation.
My solution would be to move the 'B' point into the centre cave area, in the middle of the map. This would generate more action and make it more difficult to hold. That way Bravo Team has more of a chance at winning the map. *Edit Also the 'C' flag would then need to be moved back towards the end of the map near the ramp/tree area. This would create a map layout of one flag at either end, one in the centre and two side paths to flank on.
As for Blind Watch, I found that the 'A' Flag on this map also shares a similar plight as 'Shores of Time' being far apart from 'B' and 'C' Flag. In the few rounds I played I found it pretty easy to go between 'B' and 'C' ignoring 'A'. However I only played this map a few times.
I don't have any suggestions for 'Blind Watch' as I don't know the map well enough for any suggestions for alternative flag placement.
*EDIT: I'm going to add that what I am arguing only applies when versing teams that are semi-competent. By this I mean teams that understand if you hold 2 flags you control where the enemy spawns. When versing teams that are overly aggressive and go for all caps this does not apply as it randomizes the spawns. On these two maps holding B & C is strategically more advantageous and can allow you to ignore the A flag. Causing the enemy team to spawn there. Because A flag is far away on these maps, it is a terrible spot to be stuck at. I am all for strategy and holding two points down, however I am not alright with one team spawning at a disadvantage off the start. I hope Bungie at least tries testing this out 'In House.'
I am done with arguing my points any further. Everything that needs to be said, has been said within the posts I have made regarding this. I will continue to abuse this strategy whenever I am able to with my friends. But I hope it is resolved in the final game.
Other than that the Maps are amazing and I'm excited to see what happens during the rest of the BETA. Thank you Bungie, for giving us the opportunity to play the game early and help make it the best it can be!
[quote]The only time I manage to win this map as Bravo Team is by flipping the spawns and putting the other team in the same awful situation. [/quote] And there, good sir, is your answer for how to control Venus. And also, switch spawns on Mars as well. Put two guys up in C Window to kill everyone at C, [i]then[/i] bring your team over to Cap it, [i]then[/i] rush B so you have the continuous spawn at C. This game takes a lot more skill than people think. You have to be ... [u]smart[/u]