With the Beta ending soon we need to find something to keep us occupied... What are you guys gonna play? I'm personally gonna try Warframe again. (Kinda similar games)
I may not survive the wait. And I'm out of the country the first two weeks of September...
Work to make sure I have the money for a ps4 in time. XD
I'll probably play a little Warframe, but I am really starting to dislike that game. I also just bought The Last of Us, as I didn't get to play it on PS3.
I've actually been playing FF14 (PS4) to pass the time while waiting for Destiny. Really great game and being an MMO it definitely kills the time.
My 360 got the red ring, so it's back to BF4 multiplayer on the One... kill me now
yup. Warframe.
I'm not sure, Kol is fun, I may go play some more Fallout.