I was playing Destiny Beta tonight, hanging out in front of Lord Saladin in the events area while I read a forum post on my phone when suddenly this balloon or ball appeared. I kicked it around some then uploaded it before it disappeared. Anyone else seen this?
All hail the purple orb.
No way you just called the almighty a balloon....
Lurk more. No, really... Lurk more. Goddamn scrubs.
That is no [i]Balloon![/i] That is our lord and saviour, descendant of the traveler itself! You will burn in the depths of the moon for this travesty! [b]BURN IN THE DEPTHS OF THE MOON[/b]
It's like the soccer ball... Interact able and with defined spawns. It's okay. I freaked when I found the soccer ball. Lol
Hail the purple ball!
This isn't an Easter egg lol. It spawns to the left of the Cryptarcs place