Where is my buzz cut or hell at least a fade, it's clear Bungie didn't have black people in mind when making hair styles.
Edit 1: people are defending obvious neglect and racism.
Edit 2: I hope Bungie see this and adds more black hair styles.
Not true. My titan has dreads.
They left out beards too
He's right, you know. #cancellingpreorder
Edited by Atlas: 2/8/2023 12:39:17 PM
Option 1 is a close buzzed haircut. There are options that resemble dreads, which is not an uncommon "black" hairstyle. Heck, I know plenty of black people with emo hair, which accounts for 3/4 of the options in Destiny lol. I should ask my Jewish friend if he is offended by the lack of Payots. Don't know what those are? You must be racist... :/
Edited by ItsJustKingdom: 7/27/2014 2:49:51 PMI'm black and while I see the point, I don't think it's as important as other things. If you're looking for racism look in the comments people are responding with. Other wise make suggestions, not critiques.... I'm sure the years they spent making this game aren't going to be superseded by the fact that there's a couple of hairstyle options missing. And while I said I see the point - that comes from more options in general not race related options.,the races are human, awoken & exo
I agree need more ethnic hairstyles
Edited by JiveBuddha: 7/27/2014 4:39:31 PMI don't see why everyone is hostile. If it's so pointless then why bother posting? The point of the beta is to speak your mind. We can't just assume that they've left out hairstyles for the release - that makes no sense and we're meant to critique what we see (not what we expect to see). It's not that your suggestion is pointless, it's that it is minor, and I don't see a problem with it at all. With a 500 million dollar budget I think a few new hairstyles is manageable, and we have every right to ask.
Well how do you know what kind of hairstyles they have 700 years from now? 2700 ad is Destiny's setting so... not racist. Why can't we all just get along? Peace.
This is the bullshittiest thread ever. Seriously it does not -blam!-ing matter
don't take offense to this but aren't the dreadlocks African American? Plus holy shit does it matter the only time you see your head is at the TOWER. most the time your doing mission on map wearing a helmet.
Edited by Tyr: 2/5/2024 3:11:23 PM[Deleted]
Yes it does, it has a shaved head, the number one black hair style.
Never mind those those dread type thins in human females ( can't think of others right now, to tired
Maybe in the time of destiny black people went extinct.
Isn't there a buzzcut? I'm pretty sure that's like the first option. And also, they mostly didn't have normal people haircuts.
I guarantee they will put more customization options in the full version.
The awoken have a black hair style.
Well the Traveler is white... what did you expect?
This is funny because when I looked at making a human I thought most of the hairstyles were "black". Corn rows, yarn lookin jobs, popcorn puffs ect. Just being honest, not racist.
It doesn't have haircuts for anyone, look at them! It's like a bad line up from a portfolio from some hopeful trying to get into a Vidal Sassoon academy.
My female human has dreadlocks...
Bungie you racist pigs! :p
Yeah had to go with the baldish Awoken. The other styles are trash.
What, white people can't have Buzz cut or fades either? Sheesh...
There's a bigger question here. WHERE ARE MY -blam!-ING CAT EARS?