Where is my buzz cut or hell at least a fade, it's clear Bungie didn't have black people in mind when making hair styles.
Edit 1: people are defending obvious neglect and racism.
Edit 2: I hope Bungie see this and adds more black hair styles.
As a black guy I can't help but facepalm at this. First off when has a fade/buzz cut been a black only hairstyle? Have you thought that maybe these are the only available hairstyles at the moment considering this is a beta and all. Secondly why make this a racist thing? When it's probably nothing more then a design oversight by the devs, hell they don't even have beards and that to me is a bigger issue. But don't make it about race when it's clearly not. If you have a complaint or want something added to the game before release then that's what the feedback section of the forums is for. I am sure the developers would be glad to hear from you.