Xbox and PS users put aside your hate for one another, for now we have a common enemy! Why the heck did Bungie only give us access to the moon yesterday?! The crew of the Apollo 11 mission got early access in 1969! I'm SERIOUSLY considering cancelling my pre-order...
I'm getting the game .Now I'll pre order it on PSN . The moon Mission was worth it not going to spoil it
So many Destiturds taking the bait right now. I give this post a 9/10. Good job.
Hey everyone please check this topic read and share it with other, PLEASE READ.
Cancel your pre order...less riff raff
what... the moon mission already happened that's -blam!-ing bs..
They said they were only going to have it available for 2 hours. Reading the weekly update doesn't make someone special. No other game has allowed people to play it this much before you buy the game.
Funny joke man made me laugh, want to know whats even funnier though? All the f**king idiots on this thread who think this is a serious post. Seriously some of you people rode the short bus to school...
beat the moon 3 times easy day muahahaha
Hahaha dnt worry i got into the.moon but didn't even get to finish the mission ... went into the hive base and got lost for 45 mins and couldnt get out. 1 way in and out but theres more ways out and all were blocked so i had to quit out and couldnt go back
True, but when they went it was just a big empty rock. Not nearly as fun.
Well played, Sir...
Wow, sarcastic insults towards the multitudes who missed out on the moon access window because Bungie thought it was a good idea to keep it as secret as possible. How original of you. The only thing more ridiculous than this post are the hordes of halfwits in here who don't seem to understand what sarcasm (regardless of how misplaced it is) means.
You know that was all faked! Photoshopped screenshots!
Edited by Robert11221: 7/27/2014 8:12:06 PM10/10 gj. :)
11 out of 10. Well done
I've heard conspiracies that a few Russian players got access even before then. Apparently they found a game breaking exploit so bungie kept it secret.
and hence the pacifier....
[quote]Xbox and PS users put aside your hate for one another, for now we have a common enemy! Why the heck did Bungie only give us access to the moon yesterday?! The crew of the Apollo 11 mission got early access in 1969! I'm SERIOUSLY considering cancelling my pre-order...[/quote] Awesome
i got to teh muun hraahahrahehaheaha lololololoololololololololo
Well, somebody had to go there to build all those buildings before we went. If they didn't, we wouldn't have any cover to hide behind when all the Fallen and Hive came after us.
*claps* I am impressed with the amount of rage this post got. I feel better since I can read, unlike a lot of people apparently. Congrats sir, you won the forums for the moment. I tip my hat to you.
I thought you were a cry-baby, but the fellas said "read to the end". Now, I have to say: Haha good job!
Destiny has actually been in development since 1967. Those are testers trying out the Moon site. Get your facts straight.
Nope it was edited footage; Bungie didn't actually give them access.