I have both the xb1 and PS4.
The ps4 ppl rarely have mics in open lobby's.
On the xbox they do almost in every lobby In any FPS game.
Idk about skill base though but my K.D in cod on xbox is 1.2 but on ps4 it's 1.7 so?
I personally prefer playstation for that very slight graphic difference. But when it comes to the heavy hitter games (big sellers)
I prefer the xbox cuz the community is more active mic wise. Which enhances the experience for me. Yeah you'll run into **** talkers from time to time but you have to expect that it's a FPS or sports game
[quote]I have both the xb1 and PS4. The ps4 ppl rarely have mics in open lobby's. On the xbox they do almost in every lobby In any FPS game. Idk about skill base though but my K.D in cod on xbox is 1.2 but on ps4 it's 1.7 so? I personally prefer playstation for that very slight graphic difference. But when it comes to the heavy hitter games (big sellers) cod Battlefield Destiny Etc... I prefer the xbox cuz the community is more active mic wise. Which enhances the experience for me. Yeah you'll run into **** talkers from time to time but you have to expect that it's a FPS or sports game[/quote] And your kd on Destiny is under 1. You're so pro, thank god you're on Xbone where all the "pros" are.
Lmao, my account was shared with all my friends (who didn't have gold)
[quote]Lmao, my account was shared with all my friends (who didn't have gold)[/quote] Cool, you still suck if your kd was 1.2 on the 360. I had a 360 and a PS3 and the skill differential is negligible. If anything I noticed there were more young kids on the 360 which may have made it slightly easier. Again, practically identical.
I played on the one
[quote]I played on the one[/quote] Yeah that's still bad. If you're that bad on Xbox you don't have a 2.5 kd on any Sony console, so get out of here. I played on both consoles a lot and my kd on both was always +-.2 from a 2.0 kd.
Lmao stop trying to defend sony. Xbox runs the MLG scene... Your debate is pointless. When the full release comes come check my KD
[quote]Lmao stop trying to defend sony. Xbox runs the MLG scene... Your debate is pointless. When the full release comes come check my KD[/quote] Are you stupid? They run the MLG for COD because they have a deal with Activision dumbass. If you want to pull the esports card don't talk, because PC will always be the king. Also I game on all platforms, and what does full release have to do with you not sucking dick at the game? You're magically going to be good when the game comes out, yeah ok kid. If you want hit me up on Xbone so I can show you that you're not half as good as you think you are.
Magically? I told you my account was shared with my friends. Watch my KD slap yours when the game is released. Your hilarious dude playstation does not have as strong as competitive players. PC run esports with F2P games. Back in early to late 2000s halo ran the mlg scene. Now cod does.
[quote]Magically? I told you my account was shared with my friends. Watch my KD slap yours when the game is released. Your hilarious dude playstation does not have as strong as competitive players. PC run esports with F2P games. Back in early to late 2000s halo ran the mlg scene. Now cod does.[/quote] Yeah and COD is shit who cares? You played 7 hours of Crucible in total and I'm supposed to believe that time was shared with multiple people.....lol k Just wait to see which system Destiny will be played on at competitive events. It will be the PS4, because that's the marketing deal. Either way it doesn't matter, because there hasn't been a GOOD competitive game on Console since Halo 3, but I can guarantee the next big game will be Destiny. Some people might play COD competitively, but that doesn't make it a good competitive game. Also you obviously don't know shit about esports if you think f2p games are the biggest games PC offers. The biggest competitive COD, BF, CounterStrike, and obviously Starcraft 2. Fanboys like you are funny, I remember when I was one when I was like 12 and had nothing better to do. So are you ever going to give me a source for you Xbox and PS accounts for proof, or am I just supposed to take your word for it? Actually hit me up let's play some COD tonight on either console I could use someone with a 2.5+ kd on my team. I doubt that happens either though huh. This is my last response to you, but don't worry I'm favoriting this, so I can check your account after the game ships. Better hope your stats "slap" mine....lol
Almost everyone is in party chat nowadays my friend
Yeah I am the exact opposite. If I'm not playing with friends. I'll stay in a party chat alone just to avoid talking to people online. So I could give a shit either way if people talk, because I don't lol.