Don't sell them short, they could also be so young/clueless that Apollo 11 means nothing to them.
Edit: wanted to clarify I mean the young/clueless in addition to reading comprehension issues.
I seem to become forgetful into old age that the schools aren't teaching the "youngens" ancient history.
They seem to teach them till the 1920s-30s and then stop or cram it all in fast, as if nothing important happened recently (or so it seems from most of the teens ice talked to).
So want you're telling me is it's Obama's fault. Dang presidents interfering with our abilities :)
Since I remember something similar when I was in school only a couple of decades ago, I'd say it's more a case of "we're getting old" combined with "damn education curriculum is all fscked up"
That is very true, so very true. I often feel very old these days, especially when conversing with teens online. I take for granted my years of critical thinking experience until these moments occur. These I realize, "dang I'm old and the education system sucks!"