I think that 3 players are enough for coop, however for Explore/FreeMode I think we should be able to have all 6 fire team members in one session if we so desire. Only having 3 players causes problems if there is more than 2 friends online. Story missions I can understand a 3 player limit. I just think FreeMode should be different in terms of player limit. I'm also not sure if this questioned has been answered. If so, could I have a link?
I think they should just make it 4 players so I don't have to exclude friends
WolfHunt, I completely agree with you. when it comes to Freemode or even hanging out in the Tower, you should be able to join your friend's fireteam. Freemode is capped at 16 players so if you so desired, you should be able to set up a private session (or something like that) where you and your 16 friends can play together. If Bungie caps everything at 3 players (other than multiplayer) I think it'll be a huge mistake.
Agree or not, it's not going to change this close to launch.
I think the 3 member fireteam is fine, but I think it would be nice to be able to have 2 fireteams in the same pve space. This way we can use more of our clan to wreck shit against the fallen and hive. :-)
[quote]I think that 3 players are enough for coop, however for Explore/FreeMode I think we should be able to have all 6 fire team members in one see session if we so desire. Only having 3 players causes problems if there is more than 2 friends online. Story missions I can understand a 3 player limit. I just think FreeMode should be different in terms of player limit.[/quote] Lmao I don't understand why you need more than yourself to do any area or mission the game is super easy