It's an upcoming show! Forget about his skin color because they will never show a Middle Eastern Jesus on TV anyway. This is supposed to be funny but do you like this? hate it? Do you think it insults your views of Jesus?
This is for Christians but anyone can participate in the thread. Keep it friendly K?
Eh he was brown so it'd be more accurate.
That's pretty much disrespect to the religion and Jesus. Me no like.
It's just because churches are empty, it's a way to fill them again[spoiler]*hugs monkey*[/spoiler]
I'm going to watch it.
I don't really care. People will do what they will. No scales off my snout.
I laughed at it.
Looks good. I'm not religious though
It's going to be awesome!!!! [spoiler]I'm going to hell either way, so...[/spoiler]