Hello all,
I would like to offer a suggestion for a remap of the d-pad.
Remove all emotes and replace with: down arrow - hold for an emote menu similar to battlefield's commo rose; up arrow - toggle flashlight (I realize that the "flashlight" is not a true source of light); left or right arrow - minimap / toggle prox chat on or off.
With that being said, my suggestion will probably require a large amount of coding especially the flashlight. This would allow bungie to encorporate more emotes (microtransactions or unlockable), and would allow players to more effectively communicate with those who cannot or choose not to use voice chat.
Minimap would be handy in areas like Hellmouth if you get separated from your FT. Obviously it may be used anywhere, but may help in vertically enclined levels by showing doors / room separators / stairs / etc. Additionally, it would leave you vulnerable while in use.
Proximity chat, to my knowlegde is not instituted, but if considered, this would allow players in chat programs to cut out others and focus on their friends.
Awesome game Bungie! I am proud to have been a part of the beta and looking forward to blasting some alien behind in September!
How about being able to change emotes from the character menu...
I kind of agree with this, and think that there should be an "interact" button instead of LB and RB as well. Put it on the remaining direction.