Is anyone else surprised by this? I like the look of the case and Ghost, but I was expecting an exclusive class bond. We got a ghost shell but limited gets that as well.
Especially since in Reach you got a flaming head. I don't see it as "that guy spent lots of money" but "that guy had the opportunity to support the developer and they did".
It's not that big of a deal though, the ghost is awesome. I just think the Ghost Edition is truly limited and would help make people who bought it feel more love from Bungie.
Well When I bought it, I was thinking Destiny will be -THE GAME- I play for Years to come.. I was also thinking that I'm not a huge gamer, and I don't have any fun gamey toyz on my desk. Actually Zero. So DinkleBot will have a place above my monitors. My only regret was that it wasn't WiFi connected to Bungie Servers to Update it's Sly Slurs. It would have been great for it to announce Destiny news when you walked by... maybe DinkleBot could tell you if there was a big mission coming up or something.. Anyway. It's just a dust collector..