It doesn't benefit society in any way, they constantly bitch and moan for more privileges, they claim that they want to be recognized yet they are literally the biggest minority of all time (I've only seen one gay couple in my entire life), they spread STDs everywhere, they call others bigots for not supporting their own bigoted lifestyle, and finally, to quote one of my earlier posts in this thread:
P00r b8, m8.
[quote]It doesn't benefit society in any way,[/quote]So? [quote] they constantly bitch and moan for more privileges[/quote]They want equal rights. -blam!- them right? [quote] they claim that they want to be recognized yet they are literally the biggest minority of all time[/quote]So what? Why shouldn't they be recognised? Homosexuality is a pretty common thing. [quote]they spread STDs everywhere[/quote]So do straight people. [quote]they call others bigots for not supporting their own bigoted lifestyle[/quote]Do you realise how stupid you sound now? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. Fact.
Fact; you eat shit You just love to be sour, dontcha?
[quote]Fact; you eat shit[/quote]That's not a fact. [quote]You just love to be sour, dontcha?[/quote]So debating this homophobic moron makes me sour?
Edited by Dew: 7/31/2014 8:37:32 AMThat is quite a generalization. I would've put sir after that, but you don't deserve such respect. I guarantee you've seen more gay people, even talked to them, but just didn't know they were gay. The majority of homosexuals you wouldn't even know were gay unless you asked them. The ones prancing around in rainbow shirts and glitter are the minority.
Nope, I have a pretty good Gaydar so I can point out a gay person pretty easily. Trust me, I've only seen one gay couple in my life.
You're making yourself look even more retarded.
"I can assume I know who is and isn't gay just be generalizing even more" Stop while you're still ahead.
[quote] they constantly bitch and moan for more privileges, they claim that they want to be recognized yet they are literally the biggest minority of all time [/quote] yeah, so let's not give them the legal rights and protections that you and I have...
They already do have all of the legal rights and protections we have, all humans are given the right to those on the U.S. regardless of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. They just want more privileges.
Yes it is correct
They want equal rights, not more, you moron.
[quote][b]1. Automatic inheritance in the absence of a wil[/b]l – What this means for us is that we can live with our partner for thirty years and our relationships are still not seen as valid. My partner can die tomorrow. I would not get what ought to be hers by right. I have to have had an attorney write it down and make it legal. [b]2. Death and Burial Rights[/b] - If my partner dies I cannot make the legal decisions about her burial and funeral services. Her family, especially that one homophobic brother, can handle everything. Not me though. However, again, with some legal paperwork from an excellent attorney that can be sidetracked if she designates me to handle while she is alive and sane. [b]3. Retirement Benefits do not transfer to partner[/b] - Unmarried partners cannot leave surviving spouses Medicare plans and retirement pensions. Doesn’t that just stick in your crawl? I can work alongside the love of my life for years. However, when she passes I cannot access her pension. No Social Security benefits for the surviving partner. It is as if we don’t exist. [b]4. Tax Breaks[/b] – Nope, we don’t catch a break here either. We pay taxes on properties given to us or that we have shared with our loved one. We have to pay estate taxes as well. Don’t forget the Probate issues. This is just so wrong! [b]5. Automatic inheritance if there is not a will[/b] – Pay attention here! We have to have wills written by trained professional attorney’s that can be honored in the court system. Without a will you are just a non entity looking greedy to the biological grieving family. [b]6. Health Insurance or the Lack thereof[/b] – Most companies so not offer same sex health benefits. They can’t even figure out how to determine who a spouse is or what qualifies as a relationship. Folks who do get same sex benefits are still getting taxed on them as if they were a gift. Read up on imputed income. Seems irrelevant that heterosexual marriages break up daily and the insured partner is still on the insurance policy. [b]7. Family Leave and Medical Leave[/b] - You know about this Federal law. It says that heterosexuals employees can ask for time off for a sick child or injured family member. It just can’t be your life long partner of twenty five years who just had a stroke. No worries. [b]8. Joint Adoption [/b]– Married heterosexuals automatically get joint adoption. The Federal Laws ensure it. Gays can adopt too- when hell freezes over; or you have enough money to move to a state that has better, kinder, wiser laws. [b]9. Marriages are recognized in one state only[/b] – If you got married in one of the ten states that offer gay marriage…don’t ever move. Your marriage will not be honored in the other 4o states. It may be considered a crime in other states as well. [b]10. Wrongful Death Issues[/b] – Only heterosexual people can have legal standing to sue in a wrongful death situation. it doesn’t matter if you have been together for fifty years. It doesn’t matter is she is/was the love of your lifetime. It just doesn’t matter to them at this point.[/quote] [url=]Here's even more[/url]
Gays can get married in 14 states as of right now. That is 28% of the United States. That is not equal rights.
Oh well, it's not like they're supposed to get married in the first place. Gay marriage is wrong inside and out.
Can you convince me of that without religious context? I doubt so. The fact of the matter is that marriage had been around longer than Christianity. Thusly, it is not [i]defined[/i] by Christianity. Secondly, your religious viewpoints are not what we should base our laws off of.
[quote]Secondly, your religious viewpoints are not what we should base our laws off of.[/quote] Why not? It doesn't say anywhere in the constitution that there is a separation of church and state.
[quote] Why not? It doesn't say anywhere in the constitution that there is a separation of church and state.[/quote] Because that is what happens in the Middle East. They kill people for cheating on their partners. Can you refute my other 2 points? I'll assume you acknowledged your wrongs if otherwise.
Of course they do that in the Middle East. That place is full of Muslims, Muslims are crazy.
Muslim is a religion. Equal to yours. Neither of them have any place in laws. People should be free to practice whatever religion they want. Putting religious laws in prevents that. Good on you for seeing the error in your other statements.
Wtf!!!! STDs get spread by everybody you dumbass!!! What did you skip the -blam!-ing talk in middle school XD
No, I didn't, and I know that STDs get spread to everybody, but they happen a lot more with gays because they practice anal sex all the time which is extremely bad for the body medically.