I plan to, what's the fun of pre-ordering the Ghost edition if you can't show it off to the fellow consumer?
EDIT by popular demand: I cannot edit the poll without making a new topic, however the third option is "No lines, no mess", thus It seems like quite the option for any online purchase.
Maybe idk because I have school the day it comes out
Ordered the GE on Amazon. I'll have to go in to work the next morning. Plus, I don't really like lines. Also, knowing Amazon, it might come a day early. I know when i got GTAV, it was on my doorstep the day before release.
Umm...no. I just go on the night of the midnight release. My gamestop gets everyone out of there in 20 minutes after midnight. They make us pay at 10pm, so everyone is already paid for. They group you up into 5 groups, Then you just go in when yet call your group number and show receipt and receive your game. Like 5 seconds a person lol
Getting the Destiny PS4 shipped to me, if I have any friends who are going to midnight release I would so go if gamestop has an event
You forgot the options I'm probably not going to buy and I am still considering. Too many things ignored for me to spend my $60 Yes matchmaking, tower chat/text and custom mp rooms.
I can't wait until Sept. 10 so I can read all the east coasters forum posts crying because they realized that even though they bought the game at 12 am the servers won't go live until 3 am EST.
My Gamestop gives out numbers starting at 9pm. I get there at 9 and get an awesome, low number and return at 11:55pm. I'm out the door at 12:05 usually.
Im already waiting outside, tent and a months supply food
I'll be putting in pto so I won't have to worry
Camp? Please I'll be at a burger joint eating burgers, then buy more burgers and head over at about 10ish and share the burger goodness with people who show up
Im gonna be selling em to u peeps at gamestop midnight release then take home my lovely ghost edition after the storm passes :)
we dont have this here...
I'm getting the digital version so I don't have to deal with gamestop.
I have school. But at least its my Senior year and I won't have to miss anymore releases lol
#digitaledition bud
I wanted to go digital but for some Reason I still don't trust these companies. And their whole digital domain I think I will stick with my physical (owned) copy. Sure would be nice to preload though:(
Add "ordered it on PSN and set it to auto-download" to the list of choices
Well since MS refuses to let people pre-load games, I'll be up at midnight to start the download. Still trying to think up a good excuse to get out of work though.
If you mean 9/7 then no.
my ghost edition will be sent before you even get there
Where's the "I got mine via PSN preorder so it'll be waiting for me on my PS4 when I wake up that morning" choice?
Digital Guardian Edition. Fibreoptic lines, no mess :-)
Have fun with that. My copy will have downloaded on my PS4 before you even get to the store.
Pre-load ftw! No waiting in lines. No unboxing. Definitely no waiting for the thing to install from the disc. When servers come up all I do is log in.,
Yeah I work at EB Games (part of the same company so Australian Gamestop) so I'll be working on release day/night. Kinda sad because I can't play all day :(
I probably won't need to. I remember the day gta 5 released, not meaning to compare games, I went in and was getting my copy when another guy walked in to buy it.