I live in germany and I'm playing Destiny with english language settings. I want to buy the ghost edition, but I'm unsure if I shall pre order it in the german amazon store. I'm worried that the comments/texts in the [i]Arms and Armament Field Guide[/i] are translated to the german language.
The Ghost Edition is pretty expensive here, 160€(~$218).
I thought about buying it from the UK store, because I'm okay with 1 to 3 days of shipping, but as far as I searched I couldn't find the ghost edition – only the limited one.
Some of my google researches tell that the ghost edition will cost £150, is that an already fixed price? If yes, it will cost me around 189€(~$257) and that's a lot of money.. I don't even know if they will charge me extra shipping costs.
Is there any other way to get it in the english language? And do I have any disadvantages if I cannot play the game for the first three days (shipping time)? Like any items that I'm only able to get these days? :(
If I could get one copy, much less two, I would gladly grab a second and ship it to you, but I feel the international shipping (I'm in the US) would cost you quite a bit, and wouldn't be worth it in the long run.