I seriously can't find anything on what illumination does. I'm told it gives a major stat boost. But that it also creates another identical subclass that level's faster.
Does anyone have any proof that this is true? Because i couldn't find any. I doubt this because if we have access still to the original sub class it removes the risk and choice bungie talked about for locking in. I also doubt it because that means we'd only be able to lock in one class since there is only one open slot. And bungie never told us we could only lock one class. If we don't have access to the original it just wastes a space.
So does anyone have any linkable proof?
Ok, so it seems I got my information from Reddit, haha. And from reading articles about certain builds and whatnot it appears that you will NOT have an equippable subclass. It seems that once you lock in your build that's it. You get a boost to your respective stat, mine would be regeneration for Warlock. So if you want another build after you locked it in, you must create an all new character.
[quote]Destiny allows you to freely swap your ability choices, but according to Green there comes a point when you can lock them in. This gives your Guardian benefits, such as a stat boost. At this point you get a copy of the same focus, but that copy levels up much faster, thus allowing experimentation.[/quote] 60 second Google search. It's been said repeatedly
Here ya go
I asked a similar question last night. It seems when you lock in a subclass you get a copy of that class and you can equip it like a weapon or gear. Then you get a fresh pallette to do another build. You get a stat boost to your respective class. And supposedly multiples of the same build gives a stat boost? Not sure about that one though.
I'm not even sure I know what illumination is. That's not a term I've heard about this game. Not sure how the focus (foci?) work since we didn't have access to them. Might want to check Bungie videos for some info on that. Someone linked me to a Destiny wiki page, could try that.
You can check out the stat boost it gives with my skill calculator at [url=http://destinytheguide.com/loadouts.html]destinytheguide.com/loadouts.html[/url] As far as how to remove the lock. I don't know how that works. I assumed that you'll just pay a guy at the tower to reset it like in every other game I've ever played.