It's been a while since I've heard anything about abortion, the subject kinda drifted by in the wake of more controversial topics. I'd like to see the opinions you guys have towards abortion, now that the issue isn't at the forefront of our minds.
Believe it or not... I'm actually not okay with abortion. Yeah. I don't like like the idea of killing unborn babies as if it's some sort of un do button or a quick fix to a mistake. I don't think it's right to call unexpected pregnancies "accidents" either. I just don't believe in accidents. I'd much rather prefer they just use preventative methods or put the child up for adoption. That way you're giving couples a chance to raise a child (like me and my gf) who can't have kids and you're giving that child a shot at life instead of arbitrarily taking it away, due to bad decision making. Just my two cents and how I feel about the matter. If you want to call me stupid, retarded, idiotic for having different thoughts on the matter, that's fine with me but don't expect me to get into any arguments.