Just curious how many of us are going to be playing Destiny. 37 year old Army vet here -- former 35 series. Playing as Awoken Warlock. Started a PS4 clan called "House of the Risen" with some fellow student veterans at the University of Arizona if anyone is clanless. PSN name is same as here (jthom999).
Edit: Good to see so many of us on here! I'm not a huge gamer, but I'm going to play the crap out of this one. Don't be too surprised to see my name pop up in your friend requests come September!
Edit: I started an alliance called "Military and Veterans", if we want to align our clans. PM me a link to your clan if you want me to invite you to the alliance. I've been inviting clans to the alliance, but this system isn't exactly intuitive for me, so I don't know if you're seeing what I'm intending on your end.
Edit: Looks like they finally got the Alliance inviting crap squared away. Went back and invited all the mil/vet clans that I could find in this thread to the "Military and Veteran Alliance".
Edited by xcalibrated: 9/9/2014 2:00:09 AMUSArmy 13B Paratrooper out of the 82nd. Good to play with other service members. PSN x-calibrated
US Army Vet 13b, PS4, PSN ID vagrant123
U.S.Army vet, 2004 to 2011. Started as a 96h, ended as a 35g. Imagery Analyst. 2 deployments. Xbox one gt: Rickysox
Active Air Force security forces
WI National Guard (05-13) 11B Iraq (once: 09-10) PSN- Kizzik 26
What about military spouses?
Aviation structural mechanic USN 00-04 NAS Oceania Va. Xbone gt awoken insanity
Army 13F 181st IN
One thing Thank for serving the military and anyone else who served, because of you we can destroy the darkness.
0311 usmc afghan padnita07 looking for some real life guardians to explore destiny with
Edited by Jasonzombie96: 9/5/2014 5:33:23 PMVeteran here USMC. 0311 1/5 C co 1st plt 1st squad
I have a question for any marines im 28 do u think thats too old to join
UNSC Marine here
Engineer OEF vet looking for a group on PS4. PSN JBOON21. Havn't made up mind on class yet but will more than likely be titan. Would enjoy being in an active group in eastern time zone to do raids and pvp with.
[quote]Everyone on this website is a Navy SEAL with 1500 confirmed kills[/quote]
Edited by Balgossa: 8/3/2014 3:33:12 AMNavy corpsman here! Stationed in Portsmouth. Add me! PSN is also same as here; Balgossa.
Air Force Vet. Currently in the Air Guard 263rd Combat Comm will be playing on PS4 psn id is Kenshin1128
Army+ Playstation + awoken + warlock=^^
If anyone is still looking for a military based group to run with next week, stop by the Dad's Of Destiny Military page: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/171569 We're open for PS and XB or for just networking with other veterans
22 Marines Add me on xbox one Cooteraveli
US Army vet here still in Germany. -- 28 Any of ya´ll still overseas?
I am in the Taliban but hope Destiny can bring us peace. Also Death to America and whatnot.
I am an awoken warlock too!!!! Its my username also
PS4 army ranger
Airborne! 82nd Airborne Jumpmaster 14series here Any fellow vet is welcome to add me on PSN.
82nd ABN Medically Retired Vet