So during the beta I noticed that the sub classes couldn't be accessed. It was kind of annoying to see a sub class ( example the hunters blademaster tree ) and not be able to use it until later on ( level 15 ). I like the idea of this but i feel like as Gamers we should be able to choose the class we want to start with and then work our way to the other classes and fit our play style to the one we like best.
What do you guys think ?
I also like the idea of being able to choose your sub class. It would even give players more variety since the start.
C'mon really? It's not like getting to level 15 is some terrible chore you get there by playing the game (which is awesome if you haven't noticed). Don't be so lazy as to think that you should just get whatever subclass you want. You should invest the time into building your character and not just be "herp derp I lieka swinga ma swoerd so ima be blaedman ya". Just play the game, nobody has even played the other subclasses firsthand so how do you know you will like it better, experiment with the first subclass because maybe you will like it more.
I like the idea of us getting to pick right out of the gate but if destiny decides not to let us and keep it as is I would not be disappointed either way. If they leave it as is it will result in more playability because you will work hard and strive for that class type you really want. "Mine being the blade dancer for the hunter class". Just my opinion though.
I think you will get to pick in the full release. What reason would there be not to. Focuses should all be balanced power wise overall. They just excel at different play styles than each other. Plus why force someone to play a subclass they don't want to play.
I think the problem is that the first subclasses are pretty straight forward and the second ones are more complex. The lack of choice to avoid having new players that get stuck with a subclass that seems useless. Think about it. You're going to get to lvl 15 by playing through the campaign anyways, and for that first part a crowd control ability will probably be much more useful than a buff, stealth, or stationary damage reduction shield. The second subclasses are simply gear towards players who are experienced with the class they're playing as.
Depends If the other subclass is better than the first one. If not I want a choice