Take it from a "nub" who needs to "git gud" according to many of the trolls and DBs on here; you need to add a more nuanced matchmaking system to the Crucible.
Bronze, Silver, Gold, whatever; just team people up with those who are good with and against those who are also good, those bad ones with and against the other bad ones (where I currently and sadly find myself.
That way, instead of spending 12 minutes cursing my life getting in the way of learning how to snipe people across the map without aiming I can fight against others on my level and slowly up my own skills instead of getting pistol--blam!- within 30 seconds of respawning.
I would like to enjoy all corners of the game without a learning curve that is basically a sheer cliff.
P.s. you need to nerf the armor rating on those damn tanks/pikes.
It sucks because kids and dudes getting pub stomped is officially bungie's fault. #hunterdancepartyonyobody