I seriously can't find anything on what illumination does. I'm told it gives a major stat boost. But that it also creates another identical subclass that level's faster.
Does anyone have any proof that this is true? Because i couldn't find any. I doubt this because if we have access still to the original sub class it removes the risk and choice bungie talked about for locking in. I also doubt it because that means we'd only be able to lock in one class since there is only one open slot. And bungie never told us we could only lock one class. If we don't have access to the original it just wastes a space.
So does anyone have any linkable proof?
[quote]Destiny allows you to freely swap your ability choices, but according to Green there comes a point when you can lock them in. This gives your Guardian benefits, such as a stat boost. At this point you get a copy of the same focus, but that copy levels up much faster, thus allowing experimentation.[/quote] 60 second Google search. It's been said repeatedly