[quote]I understand everyone's frustration about the decision to not have matchmaking in a post-matchmaking world. I also understand the limitations that this places on the activity's adoption at scale.
That barrier to entry - the requirement that you get a group of people together and venture into something that is going to challenge your ability to work together (first) and your thumbs (second) - is a barrier I was willing to erect to preserve the activity goals.
Bleeding edge hardcore groups will invest some significant amount of time in figuring out the encounters and making their way through the Vault.
I fully expect groups to beat Normal mode in the first week its available.
This is intentional, I'd like any group that is motivated and willing to cooperate to make their way through the Raid on Normal. I've talked some about thumbskill challenge vs. investment challenge vs. cooperation challenge in some interviews, and the Normal Raid difficulty prioritizes cooperation challenge and investment challenge.
I expect Hard mode to take longer.
Once your group learns the encounters, you will be able to get through the Raid significantly faster than 3 hours.
However, the first time through, learning everything and arranging your group will take some hard-to-predict amount of time until some clan releases their strategies on YouTube.
The Vault of Glass is in many ways an activity that will build groups from the disparate people who come together to try and make their way through it. It's very much a team-building exercise.
If you're going to stream it this Fall, please feel free to let me know here. I'd love to tune in.[/quote]
"Oh raids are so hardcore, you need to build a hardcore group otherwise its to hardcore!" I'm sorry, but no. Thats just a very lazy excuse that does not touch on the topic why MM is not allowed alongside regular group creation. The whole thing just stinks of creating a cliche of people who are so hardcore they have their own super hard group content and are oh so super, which is fine, but not when accomplished by creating artificial gates like the lack of MM. You are not being revolutionary nor do you make things more challenging by excluding automatic MM. You are just putting up a completely artificial barrier for the less social players to even try your content. That is not the right way to go as I'm sure you will discover once your super elite content tanks hard after release (ie, mostly ignored) Sorry, no bonus.