This explains everything.
The resemblance is uncanny.
DeeJ is not that bad. He handles community matters regarding other fourms terribly, and his title should not be "Community Manager" at all, but really his main job is to promote Destiny. He interacts with the kiddies over on that forum and wants to hype up their game to generate more sales. His title should be "Sales Manager".
Hmm left picture gave me nightmares.
*takes off glasses slowly* *bends down on one knee* *cries* *while crying, whispers, "mother... Of.... God"* *brain explodes and oozes out of ears*
Some people just want to watch the Flood burn.
HOLY FUC- *head explodes* {Ghosty} { ._.} [i]Huh.[/i]
DeeJ's Secret™: Now in Five Different Colours!
mother of God!
Edited by Failure4Life: 8/4/2014 3:22:11 PMHow 'bout a magic trick? I'm going to make all the Floodians disappear! *Turns on B.lind* *Sounds of fire and muted blood curdling screams* Taadaa!
DeeJ is my fraternal cousin
why so serious™
So he had daddy issues?
Mind blown ? Destiny is really Joker propaganda !
So is Marty Batman then?
How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this user [i]disappear[/i]. [url=]*mute*[/url] Ta-daa! It's... it's gone. Oh, and by the way, the site, it wasn't cheap. You oughta know, you bought it.
Holy mother of fu- *Head implodes* {AI Unit Activated} GUYS, GET ME THE MONITOR!
Lol. The Joker. That was a fun time I had.
Bit disrespectful towards Mr. Nicholson, I think.
Edited by Eirikur: 8/3/2014 3:08:52 PMSomeone, photoshop the DeeJ picture please!
So he's going thin on top!? Thats not a crime! #baldysunite
Does this mean Urk is Batman?
Edited by FoxTrottts: 8/2/2014 6:59:25 AM*Tries to understand* I… can't think… a-bout it any-more… *Head explodes* {Ghosty}[i]God dammit…[/i]
Edited by Pfhortnite: 8/2/2014 4:21:55 PM"Come on, mute™ me!"
good try but the joker said this town needs an enema when has deej said anything near that cool case closed joker far cooler sorry deej
They should call him BeeJ.