So far I appreciate the work that Bungie has put into Destiny. (I know it's long and your time is valuable but just stay with me here) It's human nature to remember all the bad things that's happened to them in their lives. Often people forget the "good" that they have done and don't reflect on them. Keeping that in mind, I believe we treat our games the same way. As a kid not having the financial income to afford the new games, I often had to resort to playing what I already owned, and learned to appreciate what I already have. I used to be satisfied watching block pixels running around!! Now graphics, story, music, load times...etc. every thing has been improved. Many younger generation and old alike have grown accustomed to this new standard, and in my opinion seem quick to be judgmental about absences of features or programs. It is important to be critical, it is important to point out the flaws and bugs. But demanding something that is not there by making childish threats, and harassment is not the type of behavior that will net you results.
To summarize: be tactful in the way you give constructive criticism then one day Bungie might actually hear you.
In the words of Luis CK..."Dude, how are you entitled to something you just learned about 30 seconds ago?" Figuratively speaking.