The planets will be listed in order with the moons following right under their names. More areas will be added on this list that are not planets as well. I am making this forum to show you just how massive our Solar System actually is, and how Bungie, if willing too, could take any of these areas and put them into the game.
[i]*This database is a work in-progress*[/i]
[/b]- No Moons -
[/b]- No Moons -
1. Luna (Our Moon)
[/b]1. Deimos
2. Phobos
[/b]1. Adrastea
2. Aitne
3. Amalthea
4. Ananke
5. Aoede
6. Arche
7. Autonoe
8. Callirrhoe
9. Callisto
10. Carme
11. Carpo
12. Chaldene
13. Cyllene
14. Elara
15. Erinome
16. Euanthe
17. Eukelade
18. Euporie
19. Europa
20. Eurydome
21. Ganymede
22. Harpalyke
23. Hegemone
24. Helike
25. Hermippe
26. Herse
27. Himalia
28. Io
29. Iocaste
30. Isonone
31. Kale
32. Kallichore
33. Kalyke
34. Kore
35. Leda
36. Lysithea
37. Magaclite
38. Metis
39. Mneme
40. Orthosie
41. Pasiphae
42. Pasithee
43. Praxidike
44. Sinope
45. Sponde
46. S/2000 J11
47. S/2003 J2
48. S/2003 J3
49. S/2003 J4
50. S/2003 J5
51. S/2003 J9
52. S/2003 J10
53. S/2003 J12
54. S/2003 J15
55. S/2003 J16
56. S/2003 J18
57. S/2003 J19
58.S/2003 J23
59. S/2010 J1
60. S/2010 J2
61. S/2011 J1
62. S/2011 J2
63. Taygete
64. Thebe
65. Thelxinoe
66. Themisto
67. Thyone
1. Aegaeon
2. Aegir
3. Albiorix
4. Anthe
5. Atlas
6. Bebhionn
7. Bergelmir
8. Bestla
9. Calypso
10. Daphnis
11. Dione
12. Enceladus
13. Epimetheus
14. Erriapus
15. Farbauti
16. Fenrir
17. Fornjot
18. Greip
19. Hati
20. Helene
21. Hyperion
22. Hyrokkin
23. Iapetus
24. Ijiraq
25. Janus
26. Jarnsaxa
27. Kari
28. Kiviuq
29. Loge
30. Methone
31. Mimas
32. Mundilfari
33. Narvi
34. Paaliaq
35. Pallene
36. Pan
37. Pandora
38. Phoebe
39. Polydeuces
40. Prometheus
41. Rhea
42. Siarnaq
43. Skathi
44. Skoll
45. Surtur
46. Suttungr
47. S/2004 S7
48. S/2004 S12
49. S/2004 S13
50. S/2004 S17
50. S/2006 S1
51. S/2006 S3
52. S/2007 S2
53. S/2007 S3
54. S/2009 S1
55. Tarqeq
56. Tarvos
57. Telesto
58. Tethys
59. Thrymr
60. Titan
61. Ymir
1. Ariel
2. Belinda
3. Bianca
4. Caliban
5. Cordelia
6. Cressida
7. Cupid
8. Desdemona
9. Ferdinand
10. Franciso
11. Juliet
12. Mab
13. Margeret
14. Miranda
15. Oberon
16. Ophelia
17. Perdita
18. Portia
19. Prospero
20. Puck
21. Rosalind
22. Setebos
23. Stephano
24. Sycorax
25. Titania
26. Trinculo
27. Umbriel
1. Despina
2. Galatea
3. Halimede
4. Laomedeia
5. Larissa
6. Naiad
7. Nereid
8. Neso
9. Proteus
10. Psamathe
11. S/2004 N1
12. Sao
13. Thalassa
14. Triton
[u][b]DWARF PLANETS[/b][/u]
- No Moons -
1. Dysnomia
1. Hi'iaka
2. Namaka
- No Moons -
1. Charon
2. Hydra
3. Kerberos
4. Nix
5. Styx
[u][b]Largest Asteroids in Asteroid Belt[/b][/u]
1. 1 Ceres
2. 2 Pallas
3. 3 Juno
4. 4 Vesta
5. 6 Hebe
6. 7 Iris
7. 9 Metis
8. 10 Hygiea
9. 13 Egeria
10. 15 Eunomia
11. 16 Psyche
12. 19 Fortuna
13. 24 Themis
14. 29 Amphitrite
15. 31 Euphrosyne
16. 41 Daphne
17. 45 Eugenia
18. 48 Doris
19. 52 Europa
20. 65 Cybele
21. 87 Sylvia
22. 88 Thisbe
23. 94 Aurora
24. 107 Camilla
25. 120 Lachesis
26. 121 Hermione
27. 128 Nemesis
28. 324 Bamberga
29. 372 Palma
30. 375 Ursula
31. 423 Diotima
32. 451 Patienta
33. 511 Davida
34. 532 Herculina
35. 624 Hektor
36. 702 Alauda
37. 704 Interamnia
[u][b]Notable Features Located on Each Planet[/b][/u]
- Earth Not Included -
Caloris Montes - (Tallest mountain range in the Solar System)
Hero Rupes - (A major escarpment that was formed by a thrust fault)
Pantheon Fossae - (A collection of fault lines that connect to one another)
Baltis Vallis - (Longest channel in the Solar System, flows with lava)
Dali and Diana Chasma - (Deep troughs that extend for 4,600 miles)
Jaszai Patera - (A caldera filled with lava, contains several lava domes)
Sedna Planitia - (A lava-covered lowland area)
Mare Erythraeum - (A very large, dark, dusky region; hard to see)
Olympus Mons - (Largest volcano in the Solar System)
Polar Ice Caps - (Frozen, icy regions near the bottom/top sections)
- Not possible to land on, made of all gas -
- Not possible to land on, made of all gas -
- Not possible to land on, made of all gas -
- Not possible to land on, made of all gas -
Just counting the costs, and it's gone. Bring it on Bungie.