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8/3/2014 3:26:19 AM
[quote]5 - No Ranking System[/quote] This is a RPG game and you want a more FPS experience? Sorry, but shared world experiences typically garner more support for multiple elements being present. Also, it's a game rated T for teen. I recommend you go look up the Do's and Do Not's of what that means in terms of competitive versus casual arguments. [quote]4 - No Ranked Matches[/quote] We don't really know anything, and you want to assume that? Even if you are correct, so what? The Crucible was built for players like you. PvE players will be running about, getting loot, completing missions, AND not being in the Crucible most of the time. Why? Because all the real experience is out in the field. Not the FPS battlefield until later on in the leveling system. [quote]undefined3 - Artificially Inflated Difficulty[/quote] Having been part of Halo and Bungie before Halo with Marathon, I think you have played too many FPS for your own good. MMO's and RPG's are some of the hardest difficulty games out of any genre. You ever actually tried to do a difficult raid or combat a scenario for more then 30 minutes? We're talking harder then ODST achievement.vidmaster Endure dude. The hardest known difficulty of any Halo game and it will be harder NOT for an achievement, but to see who actually wants the best gear, loot, and bragging rights. I understand your heavily invested into the FPS side of things, but don't be so quick as to say inflated difficulty A.I. is a reason to cancel a pre order. [quote]2 - Level Buffer Is One Sided[/quote] I'm sorry, but when they made this a shared world experience WITHOUT modifiers and statistics in TYPICAL MMO's you suddenly find yourself wielding a primary rifle? Well guess what? As more precise as that rifle is, it still only fires one bullet at a time. As much as the velocity of that bullet was to a previously possibly inferior bullet, it still is the same relative size. As an enemy on the receiving end of those bullets, it still only makes a sizable hole in their body equivalent to the bullet size and travel speed. So I guess you didn't clue in to that? Sorry, my bad. I did. [quote]1 - Huge Letdown from E3 2012 Lies[/quote] It was 2012. They had 2 years to build, modify, find problems, hit walls, try and get other elements up and running, ect. I don't knock any promises they made and showed. What I do say to gamers is this though: Every game, every program, every BUILD we interact, see, or even hear about is a WORK. IN. PROGRESS. Until launch day, the actual DAY, no game promises can be taken to the bank for one reason: because when you start programming it? And it starts popping bug, after bug, after bug? Suddenly you have to scrap stuff. Sometimes it's large stuff like they already showed. So be passionate and say you don't appreciate it, but after that? Let it go. The only person who will get upset is you. I guarantee it because all the trolls and haters in the world didn't stop progress ten years ago, twenty years ago, and probably not thirty years ago. That trend isn't going to be stopping today.

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  • Bungie did say they were gonna revolutionize fps, but you do make alot of good points but so did the other guy although i will not cancel my pre-order but i do think its stupid to have lvl 20 dregs be immune to my power because ur basically saying a devil walker wouldnt do shit to that dreg, it would make more sense for me and my friends to have to take like a few minutes to beat down the dreg

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  • I just want to point out that Destiny isent a mmo (the devs have pointed this out multiple times). Its a open world shooter, or perhaps a coop fps with rpg elements (Bungie has kept the definition vauge and up in the air on purpose, But they have stated clearly that its NOT a mmo).

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  • Ranked and unranked matches would be nice, because it keeps the competitive games competitive, and allows the casuals to play and get crucible points to unlock gear while dramatically lowering the mid match quitting. I am on a phone so I don't want to type a whole thing about it, but I have thought a lot about it and it would fix a ton of the complaints with PvP, I think. I have a few more ideas that would help make it work better. However, I see absolutely no reason to cancel my preorder because it's not why I bought the game. If they put it in, fantastic, if not, everyone will just have to deal with the quitting and slaughtering. I'll still be playing even though I suck right now either way.

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