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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by CrookedSmileFlko: 8/3/2014 10:29:00 AM

Destiny not an MMO???

It is my opinion that Destiny will hurt at some point for trying so hard not to be an MMO. As I play I felt it was like adding a shared world to COD, a shared world fps??? Yea there will be raids which honestly besides the story is the best reason to play the game but I honestly think that due to the lack of customizations, size of teams, and and just unnecessary functions the hype will die down. 1. I'll start with the last - unnecessary functions - or lack if functions - Destiny is trying to hard and lost focus on how to make it fun and functional at the same time. The dpad and swipepad(ps4) should be put to better use. 4 emotes take up the entire dpad this makes no sense and show the lack of dept to how the game plays. I'm not saying it needs to have in game chat or any of that I actually use my PSN app to chat with my friends who don't have mics and yes it wouldn't work while in a match it works fine in orbit and they can still hear me during gameplay so I'm fine with that. The dpad should summon the sparrow take me to orbit use emotes and quick change weapons in those moments where an enemy isn't affected by arc damage and I need to change to something else with going into the menu and getting killed in the process. The swipepad should be a map that I can maneuver. Press the pad to bring up the map and then swipe to locate points on the map and tap to set waypoints.. I mean I don't make video games and these things may be hard to do but it seems to me that the company is being lazy and if millions of people played the beta and most will be paying 60 for the game and even more than that for LE and GE I'm sure more time could have went into making my hard earned money worth the purchase. Also doesn't make sense to go into orbit after ever mission when the next mission is just around the bend, don't try to stretch the game out even if the game needs to load the next mission I don't mind a small intermission to set that up, my ghost can tell me if the next mission is on another planet and I know if I need to head back to the tower to gear up again. 2. A 3 man team to explore and a 6 man team to raid. Once I have a fireteam set we should be able to play the entire game together since this is a shared world and all. Not break us up to explore and do the game mode. You tell me is it hard to make the difficulty harder depending on how many people or in the shared world/fire team. Even the 16 player cap in the tower is just weird in a game where socializing is an aspect of the game. Yes we know you don't want us just hanging out in the tower but then again we are playing this game so if someone stays in the hub all day so be it they paid to play the way the want or not play the way they want Lol. Even if each instance had a 100 people at once think if how epic a dance battle we could have, OK not really but the strikes and public events would be crazy and give some sense of accomplishment. 3 The custimization is a joke, you can customize/buy a new ship that serves no purpose except your fireteam gasping in amazement before a match but can't make your guardian look exactly like you want him to look. The more time a person puts into creating their character the more they care about that character, it becomes your alter ego the color you use the face shape the height of the character a lit of us care about these things that set us a part. Even the gear at this point looks great but once we have all leveled up and even the casual players will be level 20 after a month the gear will look mostly the same per class and in my eyes changing the shader won't do much to set me apart. As simple as it is I've seen a character in other games and said to myself or that other person hey that's a dope looking character you have there. Its amazing how much time a person will put into how the character look, I've seen people spend good earned money to get things that set them apart from the next person and I can say sometimes its well worth it. Look I know this is not an MMO its not an RPG it's suppose to be something brand new and ground breaking but when done in a lazy way it just seams like the same old things mashed together and not even the best parts of those things. I'm not bashing the game my LE is already paid for and I will be at GameStop on launch night to pick it up but all the money that was put into marketing this game, you got me to want to become #legend before I ever played the game but after playing the beta and flocking to every ign first look video that comes out and every other piece of information I can get my hands on I really don't see how I will become legendary. The game play is fluid the world is gorgeous and it should be because it looks like that's where 80% of the focus went into... But that's just my take on it. Feel free to reply or correct me.

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