It's been about 9 months at least since I've had bl2 inside my xbox and I have to say, it's all thanks to the destiny Beta! This may just hold me over long enough...... Ah, who the hell am I kidding. Destiny/sept 9th hurry the f**k up! On a side note, have any of you clicked on the play beta (if it's still on your hard drive) even though you know it won't work? LolZ
No, I moonwalked away and never looked back
I went old school and started up Borderlands 1..... It wasn't Destiny
I thought about it...but I just couldn't bring myself to use the Traveler's light to [i]hunt for vaults[/i]. Like, it's not like the end raid of Destiny is a [i]vault.[/i] I can't just be a [i]Vault Hunter. [/i] I need to be a [i]Guardian.[/i]
Yes to both of those haha I've also dusted off Halo and played a bit of that.