Yeah you read that title right. I love playing a miniature wargame called Warhammer 40,000 and the army I run is the Space Marine chapter: Space Wolves. I recently bought an Imperial Knight (Think 40 ft tall mech that shoots lasers and lava with a giant chainsaw sword arm) and I wanted to have some destiny logos to utilize as my Space Wolves chapter signs.
I have found the pics I require and I will update here as I learn to print my custom transfers. (Transfers are little decals that I paint onto the model to have their chapter logo emblazoned on their armor). I hope this will be a fun journey for us all as we await Destiny.
The name shall be The Traveler's Pack. I will write up some fluff in a new post as well as take some suggestions on which Bungie employees should I model some of my marines after.
Have fun everyone and remember to keep on gaming.
Alpha legion all the way