Okay! So, rather then searching through thread after thread and answering questions, I will just answer all that come through here. Ask for any kind of answer you want (my opinion, what we know for fact, what we speculate, what we data mined, ect.). Go Go Go!
EDIT: Picture of [url=http://gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Bungie-Destiny-Persistent-Open-World.jpg]The Reef[/url]
EDIT II: We'll probably stop this next Tuesday when the game is out
EDIT III: GG guys. Now that the game is out, this thread is useless. I suppose you can check to see how right I was....I guess?
will it me possible for all three guardian types to use there supers at the same time in a union attack
Will I be able to play Destiny if I don't have Netflix? I have Netflix...I was just wondering.
Will we be able to summon a vehicle other than a sparrow later in the game? Not complaining if you can't, sparrows rock.
Just how awesome should I expect my hunter to look by endgame?
how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ? and what sea does sally sell sea shells at the sea shore ?
Are we going to have mustaches on Human Male characters?
I'm sure this has been asked but... Is there an official time the severs go live.? 12am pst is what I keep hearing but yet to see anything confirmed... Thanks
Will there be more vehicles than just the sparrow, interceptor, pike, and turret in the full game?
Will the city be explorable?
Engrams: quality and chance of getting good items only depend on what level the cryptarch is or is it connected to your characters level too?
Sidequests. Will they be actual quests for faction or just bounties? Not planetary events but REAL sidequests.
Is the highest lvl u can be 29
Are there any Reef missions where players fight the Awoken ?
I don't have any friends to play Destiny with, will I loose a large part of the experience since I will probably have to lone wolf most of it?
Will there be more armor that is unique looking because most of them look the same.
How large will the Venus and mars maps be? (If possible, in comparison to old Russia or the moon)? Also, I've heard a lot about people saying there's a third subclass (one for void damage, one for solar damage, and one for ark damage) is this true? And Also, with 32 story missions, which I presume will get longer as they go along, how long should I expect the campaign to be? Also, will each strike be as large as each other? Lastly, I got halo reach and 3 to hold me off until destiny, should this ease the withdrawal enough or will I find myself quickly completing these and feeling the full effects of destiny's bitter sweet aftertaste soon again?
In fallen ranks, what does it take to be promoted to Captain? [i] Proud member of the group everyone is talking about [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/67123219/0/0]THE GRIMGUARD[/url][/i]
I heard a few months ago that it would rain and snow on occasion in destiny, but that never happened in the beta, so should I not expect this in the full game?
Where do baby guardians come from ?
[quote]Ask for any kind of answer you want[/quote] Do you know where my brother's PS4 BF4 disc is, it got lost? [spoiler]And make your response positive[/spoiler]
Will we be able to color/customize our armor and whatnot. And is there really only those 10 or so face and hair styles?
Do you also work on the Destiny wiki? What is the source of your powers?
1. Is there only 1 location per Planet? like is Old Russia the only area you can explore on earth? 2. Will the Old Russia at Launch be as big as the Old Russia from your E3 Behind Close Doors Demo? Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTfhrONAp-c Or at least bigger than the beta version?
Any concrete word on availability of the digital guardian edition for xbox one? Only way i can see is either the next update needs to include preordering or they make it available for day 1 purchases. Not see any concrete info anywhere.
Will I grow more? I'm 5'8 and I just turned 16.