I own an xbox 1 yet i also enjoy the Ps4(Played Destiny on both)... but the more powerful hardware argument (while true) is so marginal you will not be able to even tell the difference while you are playing the game unless you are playing from a very far away distance or you have an excessively large Tv... 55"-60" and above....Possibly a smaller Tv you might be able to tell if you're literally sitting a foot from it and in that case have mercy on your eyes (ಠ_ಠ)
Yeah I game on a 60" TV and the resolution matters. Why get the inferior product if the superior one is available for the same price. The hardware of the ps4 is far better then the Xbox one. Watch the comparison on YouTube [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ruo84asvQo][/url]
Inferior is a big word. Wasn't trying to start an argument. Ps4 is a great system as well as the xbox one "now" not so much in the beginning with all that jazz but hey im just entwined with the community and the company very deeply since Ive been with them since xbox original.
I respect your decision based on the community you have grown familiar with and have many friends with. I was strictly referring to the hardware (I'm a tech junkie). I made my decision to buy my old ps3 on one thing and one thing only: blu-ray won the firmat war.
Ahh i see....im probably gonna end up buying a Ps4 in the next 3 months or so just cause i cant pass up playing No Mans sky Or The Order 1886. Their just too tempting and because there is going to be many exclusive for both the Ps4 and Xbox one and frankly i want to just play them all. (And a rumored price drop from sony at Gamescom just gives me all the more reason lol)
Good idea. I would also buy a xbox one but I have a bunch of ps3 games I still have not got to play yet and I start school at a new university in 3 weeks so I'll only have time for Destiny after my school work. You have to have priorities man.