So now I can finally start making the big bucks...LOLNO.
Still though, even though I won't be getting paid much at all, it's still cool to know that I'm still getting paid (very little) for what I'm uploading.
Anyways, and I know this is advertisement, but you guys should [url=]check out my YouTube account[/url] and maybe you can subscribe as well!
I'm gonna try to get some of my friends together so can we do some videos together and podcast-like videos. So if you guys are interested in that, keep an eye out for whenever I upload it.
ANYWAYS...if you guys have a YouTube account, link it, so we can all check out what kind fo content you're rolling out and maybe we'll subscribe to you!
I've been somewhat lacking in content lately, but I try to produce quality stuff. I've been uploading for about a year now, and I think I've improved mildly. Lately I've been uploading just minecraft, but right now that's what I'm having fun with (and have something special in the works) and I have little time lately to produce stuff. I'll check out your stuff when I'm not at work.