Dont have high speed internet? In the military? Well we have a console for those people, its called xbox 360! Lol ms saying that, well thats when i flipped my tv off.
Edited by H0RSE: 8/4/2014 3:41:29 PMI don't blame them for their stance. When technology advances and people don't, it shouldn't be on the tech to accommodate those people. If you don't have high speed internet, you should 1) probably look into that, and 2) shouldn't be buying devices that demand or at least favor the use of high speed internet. As for the military, they are an exception, not the rule, and not really MS's responsibility to accommodate them.
100% what thirison said. Also not everyone even has access to high speed internet. A large amount of people in fact. In the USA and all around the globe, not everyone has that kind of infrastructure in place and is able to access it.
No it is their responsibility and they should take pride in accommodating the military.
*bump* *bump* *bump* *bump* *bump* *bump* and *bump* some more.
Edited by H0RSE: 8/4/2014 4:12:05 PMPlease... the military is essentially work. Those people are at work, and a such, their employer (the government) should be the ones that need to address the issue of the quality of their connection. As for taking pride in accommodating the military - well, that's up for debate as well.
Clearly you have no respect for the military and thats just flat out pathetic. Guatemala sounds like a better place for you than Canada.
Edited by H0RSE: 8/4/2014 6:33:12 PMLet me guess - the military is full of heroes, and they deserve nothing but respect and can do no wrong, right?... there's nothing noble about war. I have friends in the military, and they went into it with a very "gung-ho, America!" attitude. Now that they've been it for a while (about 15 years) their attitude has completely changed. They can see through the BS now. They understand that the military is primarily focused around personal agendas. They love being marines, but not the actions of the military. [i]“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” [/i] - Smedley D. Butler, MajGen., USMC
Horse hit the nail on the head. Talk about acting entitled, holy shit.
I think you would be happier in Canada
Edited by H0RSE: 8/4/2014 4:47:35 PMPerhaps. The air is cleaner, the crime rate is lower, the people seem generally more friendly, and the healthcare is universal.