Oh my fault, I must of hurt your feelings. You still care. That's nice.
You seem awfully jealous haha! And you, hurt me? Haha, you have a better chance of seeing god.
I am jealous that you live off of someone else's expense.. You got me.
Haha and this assumption is based off what? Yeah, your an idiot. Because your poor you have to automatically assume I don't work or am being carried? Typical. Don't you have some work to do? Unless your just some scrubby kid who's on summer vacation haha! Oh that would be ripe...
Six hours ago I walked into work.. What have you done today.. Oh yeah you've lived life on the forums stalking my other posts. Your really proving how shitty your life is one more post at a time. Keep it going kid.
I've made more money than you doing less work. I find this comical. You on the other hand are the only one who seems to care about this pointless conversation haha
Your still responding though.. Anymore witty remarks about money. You talk about it so much yet you think buying a ps4 and xbox puts someone in a higher tax bracket. You should stalk less and probably get help about your denial.
Haha and yet you keep responding as well? I haven't laughed this hard in a long time dude thanks. It was funny at first, now its just sad watching you try so hard...
Edited by NilPhelan: 8/4/2014 5:17:38 PMI don't mind responding. It's you who is in denial. I just don't have all day to stalk bungie forums. Kind of an off topic question..So when you type "haha" are you actually laughing out loud or just in your head.
Little bit of both. It's literally that funny seeing you try so hard. I don't mind either. Its actually kind of funny.
I'm trying my hardest to find you help.
Nah, haha I'll manage ;) I'm more concerned about you... how ya doing little buddy?
You do not seem to be managing well kid. Keep your replies & emotions going; use emoji's if necessary.
This is just pathetic now. The basement dweller still can't take a joke. Just quit while you think your ahead.
Your emotions truly do run deeper then your pockets.
Not even close.
Denial is strong with you. Keep re-enforcing it with replies. Thanks kido
Kido? Whatever you say pal.