I guess i fall under the category of newfoman due to the fact that i signed up almost 3 months ago.
i think you and I are considered destifoman. We can be buddies.
I don't want to be considered a destifoman I just want to be a newfoman
He has the ten fomandments
I am aware. Although i only joined to redeem my beta code. Then later began to post on the forums and then after excessive bitching on #density i joined offtopic and then learned about the flood forums
You are a DestiFoman, but consider yourself a NewFoman, you dont seem to be fullretard.
Note this was 3 months ago
You need to be in for a year to be considered a newfoman. Geeez.. No need to argue.
For now we read the new destiment.
At least you know your place, right below the Newfomans. Who are below the newfigs, which is me and ilk that joined before the word f*g was a bannable offense.