You know what, if Xbox was the one with better ram instead of ps4, I would still acknowledge the facts. If the gap between hardware exists, and still leads to lesser versions of games on one console compared to the other, then I will always point it out.
Edited by H0RSE: 8/5/2014 5:33:18 PMBut there comes a time when you have to ask, "what's the point?" or "who cares?" Like I said, if each console was pumping out identical games, yet the PS4 had better hardware, who cares? The end result are the same. Even when the gap was bigger, PS4 was not pumping out games that lived up to the hype of what "experts" were claiming based on specs. If Xbox was putting out games that looked and/or performed better than those on PS4, yet PS4 still had the spec-wise better hardware, what would you be saying then? From what I can see, MS seems to be planning more for things to come. There console may be weaker, but MS looks to be prepared more for things to come, be it DX12 or the inevitability of cloud computing becoming more popular and used, they seem to have thought of these things when designing their console. Their hardware is infinitely more customized than that of Sony's, which seems to have a more "off the shelf" approach. That level of customization has to be for something. Sony seems to taken the here and now approach, producing a console that packs a punch from the start. How this will fair for them 10 yrs. from now, we'll have to see.
I was just giving counterpoints to why I don't want to join Xbox. In response to what the original post says. That was all. And yes I wouldn't care either if both put out equal versions of multiplatform games. But they don't.
Edited by H0RSE: 8/5/2014 5:35:22 PMBut they do... Destiny is just one example. No, not every single game is identical, but they do put out identical games. Seeing as hardware seems to be such a prominent point for your purchase, don't you feel a little jipped that not every game is superior on PS4?
It only seems prominent because of our discussion. If Xbox was the one that was a bit more powerful than I would still have gone with ps4. Cause of exclusives and how they seem to cater more to gamers.