I know the release is on the Horizon and I loved the Beta just as much as everyone else, but there were a few things I think you guys could've done more with. You gave all of us Sparrows, But no place race em and a sick tower with no lounge. Give us a lounge where we can play a mini game to earn glimmer (like Pazaak in KOTOR 2), while meeting new players. These are little things but they'd do so much for the MMO aspect of the game. Adding Sparrow Racing to the Crucible would be awesome. And a lounge area in the Tower where we can do Different Activities and meet Players would be awesome. Last thing, I cant believe you guys gave us these awesome Pistols... but we can't shoot them while riding the Sparrow. I mean it doesn't take two hands to fire a pistol. That should be a Handgun Only perk. Cuz let's be real, most people will likely choose shotguns or assault rifles over a handgun for their primary. It gives us more incentive to upgrade our Sparrows and ACTUALLY use Handguns. You know what? F*** it, add handgun Sparrow Racing to the Crucible... There yeah go, Video Game Gold
Hoverboards! Then we would have both hands free. Dual wield and grinding at the same time.
How about spaceship races ummm nobody wants to try and break the kestle run in under two par specs ?
I think racing was supposed to be in the game. Go to where the FWC are based in the tower. A dude in the room mentions racing and asks what your TOP SCORE is.....
Edited by ltkx: 8/7/2014 6:42:09 AMWhat Destiny needs is more load screens for the load screens. When I open my menu, I should see a load screen. When I change my gear, I should see a load screen. Before I call out my ghost robot, I should see a load screen. Before I can call my sparrow, load screen. I am so damn angry at the lack of load screens in this game. Going to have to cancel my pre-order. No bonus load screen dlc.
Tell me the cosmodrome was not made for it?
Where is the wart hog ? And rocket race?
Russian roulette for glimmer?! Im down!
Sparrow racing: yes minigames: yes (poker with glimmer?) pistol on sparrow: ehh, i could go either way.
Sparrow racing is stupid how would you even win all of our sparrows are the same defense the same speed the same everything just different colors this is a terrible idea... and shoot while your on a sparrow with a hand cannon would only take about 2-3 shots and doing this the whole race would be pathetic and many people would rather just back out
Dude.... Yes
It takes two hands to drive the sparrow.
Sparrow Racing?... Hell Yeah, count me in! We need a petition for this idea!
Sounds nice, I hope they add something like this.
"You know what? F*** it, add handgun Sparrow Racing to the Crucible... There yeah go, Video Game Gold" Lol I love it!
Edited by Seven: 8/7/2014 2:25:42 AMWell we do have a bouncy ball, soccer ball, and things you can climb all over, my favorite spot being the highest branch on the tree. I wouldn't mind more fun things to do though. In Monster Hunter you could sit at a table and drink. If you drank enough you'd walk all woozy and fall over after a while. Best times ever.
Edited by Dekrypt: 9/7/2014 5:52:14 AMCustomization station. If you decide you don't like your appearance after going through character creation (during the Beta you couldn't rotate your character during that. I don't know if they are planning that or not, so correct me otherwise) then go to a "barber" sort of character. Facial hair really is a must (for the Humans/ Awoken. EXO's get oil changes/ custom paint?) I'm 30 and I have a beard, I don't want Babyface McTitan for a character. Badasses aren't smooth.
Shotguns aren't primaries
I want an interactive ship like on warframe. Oh and blaming PROXIMITY CHAT
Hand canon....bang bang bang bang bang... reload..bang. everybody's dead. All is right in the world.
I was hoping for interactivity, I like solving stuff. The ghost do everything. Having to fix things, problem solve, some type of hacking minigame, active tracking, complex exploration. Maybe just not having everything spelled out bluntly for you, having to make a decision even if it might be wrong and having to work back. I think I remember hearing there are no waypoints in raids, it's probably just my own ideas, but there is more potential than just an emphasis on combat, which between classes, subclasses, weapon varieties, leveling weapons, and skill variations within subclasses I have no complaints there.
Sparrow hand gun eh? Well everyone keeps demanding a hand cannon upgrade. Maybe give it this versatility? It's a buff without being to powerfull
Sparrow racing is a good idea and should be easy enough to implement in any zone. Just need two beacons to make a start line, two beacons to make a finish line, and some beacons along the way to make waypoint markers (to give a general idea of direction), quickest from A to B or quickest from A to B to A, by any route. First across the line wins. 100 glimmer entry fee, winner takes all. Bring it on