I'm tired of seeing people complain about not having enough friends to do raids. Well, here you [i]-blam!-in'[/i] go.
Comment your PSN/XBOX name and what console you're on.
Class - Warlock (Voidwalker/Sunsinger (probably switch between both))
Titan - Striker
Mic - Yes and willing to chat
Time Zone - Mid USA
Interested in - Basically anything as long as you're not a douche. Especially if someone dies a lot. (I'm not super competitive but I definitely will focus on the objective at hand.)
I'd say that I'm a pretty good player.
Not to brag (because bragging is pathetic), but I usually get the top 3 in PvP, if that says anything.
Just be a chill gamer. Some of the people that I most likely WILL be playing with most of the time aren't the most professional of gamers. :)
add me gt: mrdee99 xbox360 human hunter