Tactical Guardian Team (TACT) is a newly made clan, looking for PS4 gamers based in the UK or those who play in similar time zones.
We're going to be a small group of players, focusing on having a tight-knit team who want to get the most out of every game mode playing co-operatively. We mostly see this as a way to meet a few more like-minded gamers to become friends with and we expect that we'll go on to play other games as a group until release and into the future beyond Destiny as well.
We play with varying levels of skill, so there's no discrimination, we're just looking for sociable, open-minded people who are looking for a fun, relaxed experience. And if you're into competitive and high-skill play then that's a bonus :) we'll definitely be spending some time in the crucible, and I'm very excited to form a group or two for the raids.
If you're interested leave a comment and I'll get back to you, or look us up in the Groups section.
Thanks for your time Guardians.
This thread goes bump in the night.
Bumping again, any UK PS4 gamers. I know there must be more of us out there!
Added some more tags and link to the clan page.
As stated this is a newly made clan and will be relatively casual in comparison to some clans. We'll be playing mostly evenings and weekends, although whenever we've got some free time we're usually online.
Anyone else?
Also, stating the obvious but headsets are a must! [spoiler]Stealth bump[/spoiler]
Sounds good, throw me an inv