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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
Edited by Honorable Sniper: 8/6/2014 6:04:52 PM

TeamWork is OP, Buff Raid pls

[url=]Lead Painters[/url] Also if you have a similar clan, post it. :3 I'm not sure what an Alliance does but I wouldn't mind making a large one. [u][b]The Type of Players We Are Looking For[/b][/u] [quote]If you... on the Xbox One or PS4 (most of us are X1) in America or Canada (preferably east coast) to win callouts well with teams ...are a bit of a tryhard ...don't mind dying to capture an objective ...don't mind grinding hours for gear to play missions on hard for the challenge ...don't trash talk (unless necessary) ...are more mature or can take the game a bit seriously ...enjoy [url=]black humor[/url] [url=]chemistry[/url] ...aim for the head [url=]painting[/url] Then you might make a good Lead Painter. I would like this "Clan" to be a resource rather than some sorta of Organization. Where players can come and pick up a reliable teammate to make a mission or raid go more smoothly. Pubstomping and Raids[/quote] [u][b]Who are we?[/b][/u] [quote]All of the Admins and I are from a squad thats been playing together for years. Black Fox and Myself go back to Halo 2. Dedicated Btb Objective players. We were the players you would normally see spawn trapping teams with their own tank or driving away with their flag in our Warthog. Around Black Ops 1, we got tired of being the Only 2 Players in every game taking it seriously. We found the process of winning through any means fun, but it was bordering on Unhealthy Masochism. So we went to a site, that has recently shut down, set up by a Youtuber WoodysGamertag, called Which stood for [b]H[/b]elping [b]U[/b]nite [b]P[/b]layers [b]I[/b]nto [b]T[/b]eams. Frequented by other players part of the CoD youtube community, who were largely tryhards always looking for the best guns, best strategies, best way to improve their play style. But most importantly about this community, the best way to Win. Through Hupitgaming we found players and through those players we formed a Squad. And when looking for a name, we used the name we ran with in Halo 2, Lead Painters. A Euphemism for shooting players in the head and painting the walls with their blood. In Black Ops 1, our k/ds were above 2 and w/l's above 5-8. Primarily playing SnD, Sabo, and Dom. We would shut games down in seconds. Our fastest Sabo game was 34 seconds. We got so good at Grenade Placement, our Routes, and Prefiring we went on a 2 large winstreaks. the 1st was 600+ which got derailed by a Dashboarder, and the 2nd 1600+ also canceled by Dashboarder, who happened to be a friend of a teammate... we don't talk to or about him anymore. We performed Similarly in Bf3 and Black Ops 2. We are the tryhards teams don't want to run into. Well coordinated, flexible, and dynamic. A good mix of Slayers, Objective Players, and Defensive Players watching their Backs. And we are planning to come to Destiny.[/quote]

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