I searched all day looking for this.
Can guns come with motes of light the same as armor dose?
If so can you please provide a sauce link.
Gear does not have motes of light, gear has light. There are three things people get confused about: [quote]Quick Answer to the terms that use Light that everyone is confused about: Light- Light is a stat in gear (not guns) that operates similar to intelligence, discipline, and strength. Light is what helps you fight higher level enemies. Specifics are unknown, but you want a lot of it! Orbs of Light- OoL are produced when you do a specific action with a super (kill, shield bullets, revive someone, ect.) and some grenades (usually on the non-lethal focuses like the Titan Defender and Sunsinger. Orbs of Light can be picked up by surrouding teammates to fill up their super bar. Motes of Light- These are a part of Bungie's answer to Call of Duty Prestiging. Everytime you level up after level 20 with a gaurdian you are given a mote of light. These can be spent at the Speaker of the Traveler for unique rewards. There will likely be more items then at the beta, but I would assume it will all be cosmetic (class item, emblems, ships, maybe a ghost shell). Think "prestige shop"[/quote]
Concidering your the only one who has said this to me. Can you please provide a sauce link. If I said this to anyone else they would think I was starting a argument. Even I need confermation to Trust your information. If seems everyone has there own story on this but no proof. Comon knowledge has not been repeated on this one. Please help.
I got this from a collection of sources, but here is some random ones. Motes of Light: http://t.joystiq.com/all/2014-08-01-motes-of-light-are-your-ticket-past-level-20-in-destiny#1 http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Mote_of_Light Orbs of Light: (obvious from in-game and focuses) http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Orb_of_Light Light: http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Light
I read the links Thank you for educating me.
Its what I do