[b][u]Caption Contest Rules and Regulations[/u][/b]
1. Keep it clean guys and don't get yourself kicked for what only you thought was hilarious.
2. Short and sweet
3. One winner will chosen at an undisclosed time for funniest comment made related to the image.
The Grand Prize for the Winner will be ....... [u][b]GLORY! [/b][/u] ......
You will be the proud owner of a false sense of pride , and also a newly inflated ego!
Not an actual guarantee....
Good luck to all!
I recommend this idea for Bungie. Except for maybe an actual prize or something.
Brought to you by [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/136632]J A A M Clan [/url] where our motto is ... Shame or Glory ....
(EDIT) ...... Drum roll please.... And the GLORY goes too.....
MACHINE_GUN3R for his post " dos't thou even lift spherical antiquities?"
Congratulations and thanks for all who participated. Stay tuned for future contests and more great prizes.
Feel free to leave a your comments even though the contest has ended. Always up for some more laughs
"These aren't my shrooms.."
' Hello Simon. The costume? Yes well tonight I'm going to sing Venus by Lady Gaga '
"Bow down to me for I have captured your flag and your precious ball!" that's what went through my mind :D
This was Germany at the end of the World Cup.
I wanted a slinky......
"You are lucky I don't take you out in a HUGE explosion!! You dirty Shisno"
Advanced technology my ass, we still can't build a chair with four armrests
HEROBRINE!!!! http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/67430264/0/0
"I love way this feels! Its so soft and squishy at the same time!" "HA, GAAAY!"
"This thing looked [i]waaaay[/i] bigger on the infomercial"
Well have a nap.....THEN FIRE THE MISSILE!
This reminds me of the purple ball I lost on Earth...
"So this is what they call 'Andy'"
You call these bagels?
Why haven't you updated your post with all the ones you like? [i]Proud member of the clan causing a sensation [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/67123219/0/0] THE GRIMGUARD[/url] .[/i]
With this sphere I thee raid.
Weirdest looking orange ever !!!
"This isn't THE purple ball! Now storm the Last City and get that PURPLE BALL! You've seen how they praise it, it must have some sort of power. And power is all I want..."
It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
"The Humans are paying over $400 for this....." "We must make more!!"
What the hell is this?! Knew I shouldnt have tried to buy ghost edition off Craigs list.
Ha ha one of the legendary travelers testicles
Finally, the fallen have purple ball in hand!!!
"Two Girls?.....One....Cup? *Phone ringing* Hey Jim...yea its Dan....yea uhhh...Yea we are gonna kill them all"
When you told me you had a Death Star, I imagined something a bit bigger...