How, seeing as the update happened.
I was wondering if anyone else deemed friends usernames (Cowpie, Raveness, mine) while on Raveness I noticed on activities the first thing a reply to my post. Being the curious little turd I am. I clicked on it. And there it was.
Raveness hasn't been active since your first post?
No, she has. It just shows that. It's weird. Must be a glitch, I guess. I'm debating whether I should bump it or nah.
Bump it bro
But it's cringe worthy! I'm ashamed of it!
Do it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
There. I did it.
Not even that cringeworthy bro
I think it is. I had to correct my own horrible grammar. (._. )
Maybe she turned her activity off on her profile around that time.
You can do that?!
You used to be able to, I have let looked at it post update. They took away almost all of our ability to go back and look at user activity now though and it bums me out sometimes.
Ah. In other unrelated news. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is always related.