I know the release is on the Horizon and I loved the Beta just as much as everyone else, but there were a few things I think you guys could've done more with. You gave all of us Sparrows, But no place race em and a sick tower with no lounge. Give us a lounge where we can play a mini game to earn glimmer (like Pazaak in KOTOR 2), while meeting new players. These are little things but they'd do so much for the MMO aspect of the game. Adding Sparrow Racing to the Crucible would be awesome. And a lounge area in the Tower where we can do Different Activities and meet Players would be awesome. Last thing, I cant believe you guys gave us these awesome Pistols... but we can't shoot them while riding the Sparrow. I mean it doesn't take two hands to fire a pistol. That should be a Handgun Only perk. Cuz let's be real, most people will likely choose shotguns or assault rifles over a handgun for their primary. It gives us more incentive to upgrade our Sparrows and ACTUALLY use Handguns. You know what? F*** it, add handgun Sparrow Racing to the Crucible... There yeah go, Video Game Gold
Sparrow racing is a good idea and should be easy enough to implement in any zone. Just need two beacons to make a start line, two beacons to make a finish line, and some beacons along the way to make waypoint markers (to give a general idea of direction), quickest from A to B or quickest from A to B to A, by any route. First across the line wins. 100 glimmer entry fee, winner takes all. Bring it on