*Update 8/9/14
We have been extremely busy making our clan stand out and we are currently sitting at 50 clan members and are looking to cap before launch. Current cap is at 75 clanmates. If you are interested in a very diverse group that is going to thrive and work together to accomplish all that Destiny has to offer then please look no further, join us and become the OG that you always wanted to be.
New edition - Awesome Facebook page! We have a great community of intelligent and productive members take a look. https://www.facebook.com/groups/OriginalGuardians/709557625778540/?comment_id=709684819099154¬if_t=group_comment_reply
So the title says it all... I am not going to or trying to screw things up for "your" clan but I am extending a [b]Welcome [/b]to people that are sure that this game will require having more than just a few friends to play with.
* If you want to be honest all big FPS games require clans to ensure that you experience the best game possible. That is why game developers reward those that are in clans. It has become quite a trait in the world of gaming. Honestly though what is online gaming world/community but just another social network (if you want it to be) some don't like this but developers would rather you join groups so you can do things that a single player cannot.
Anyway I have gone off on a tangent, the real point of this post is to convince more players to consider [b]being [/b][b][quote]and OG or Orginal Guardians™[/quote][/b]
We are sitting at almost 40 members and are looking for more, we have multiple groups that are from different time zones including the UK and Scotland - EST, PST, and CST > probably has the most but we are looking to swell the ranks to 100 members to cap off and be ready for launch... IF you might be interested please feel free to message me or join my clan.
[u]We are inviting individuals and are also interested in having smaller tight nit groups joining as well, so if you don't want to be a clan leader, you don't want to put the work into it and recruiting, looking up strats, inviting PUGs > [i]my goodness how I remember all those wasted hours finding pick up guys/groups/gals... I am not doing that this time around[/i] > bonus if you feel me!!! We would love to have you join us and become a tight nit community.[/u]
[quote]Current Needs =[/quote]
Warlocks (very badly)
Hunters = you can never have to much dps!!!
Titans - Strikers would be nice, maybe a few Defenders
I am seeking alliances with other clans...